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We house limited batches of over 60 fresh herbs and botanicals. Single and herb combination available  by request. 

Allspice, Whole or House Ground

Albizia Flower

Argy Wormwood

Ashwagandha Root powder

Basil fertility, love, and abundance. Gift 

Bamboo Leaf

Bay Leaves Protection, Prosperity


Black Caraway Seeds

Black Sea Salt protection and banishing

Cardamom Love and Lust spells

Cedar Protection 

Chamomile promotes peacefulness and relaxation

Cinnamon Sticks, House Ground Cinnamon Powder

Love, Lust and sexual desire, prosperity and Abundance warmth, success. can be used to increase energy, attract prosperity, and enhance intuition. 

Coriander - Masculine, Lust sachets

Clover is associated with luck, prosperity, and love. It can be used in sachets, charms, or baths


Dandelion Leaf and Plantain both used in herbal medicine for their diuretic and detoxifying properties. They can be added to teas or used in bath rituals.

Dill Weed Joy Creativity

Eucalyptus Leaf

Eupatorium, Wild Horehound antispasmodic

Fennel Seeds

Fenugreek Attracts Money. use an herbal wash in your home to attract money or add to a prosperity jar. May help increase milk production when added to and injested with tea over a 14 day period, has shown evidence that promotes an increase in testosterone when taken 2ce a day for 8 weeks. Fights inflammation. reduces appetite. Use caution if on diabetes medication as it may interfere with your sugar

Frankincense commonly used in spiritual and religious rituals to purify the air and promote relaxation. believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness.


Ginko Leaf

Ginger Root fertility, passion, and sexual energy

Haldi (Turmeric) powder a powerful herb in Ayurvedic medicine and is often used in Hindu rituals. It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, as well as promote spiritual purity and remove negative energy

Herbe Passi florae

Hibiscus Love, lust, passion, Attraction and creativity. It can be used to stimulate the heart chakra, increase vitality, and boost mood. In ritual, hibiscus can be used to attract love, enhance creativity, and promote emotional healing

Hyssop a sacred herb used in spiritual and religious rituals for purification, protection, and healing. It can be used in smudging, baths, and teas.

Lavender Calming, Relaxation, promotes sensuality calmness, tranquility, and purification. It can be used to ease anxiety, and facilitate restful sleep. In rituals, lavender can be used for purification, protection, and to enhance spiritual awareness.


Lemon grass

Lotus embryo 

Lotus petals or seeds symbol of purity, enlightenment, and spiritual growth in Hinduism. Adding lotus petals or seeds to your sage bundle can help enhance the spiritual energy and promote a sense of calm and inner peace.

Mint Wealth, Lust, Money, Trave

Motherwort a powerful herb used in magick and herbal medicine for protection, healing, and courage. It can be used in spells and rituals related to motherhood, menstruation, and menopause.

Mountain Oregano (from Greece) Essential oils of oregano are widely recognized for their antimicrobial activity, as well as their antiviral and antifungal properties. Nevertheless, recent investigations have demonstrated that these compounds are also potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and cancer suppressor agents.

Murr protection and banishing negative energies. It can be used to create a protective shield around oneself or to remove any unwanted energy that may be lingering in a space.

Mustard Seed Masculine, Mars, Fire, Protection, Mental Powers, Diety: Aesculapius 

Orange Peel Love, happiness, prosperity, cleansing and purifying

Osmanthus happiness, transformation, and spiritual growth. It can be used to promote joy, reduce stress, and enhance intuition. In ritual, osmanthus can be used to facilitate transformation, promote spiritual growth, and enhance intuition.

Parsley Flakes

Pink and Black sea salt Pink and black sea salt can be used for their color symbolism and for their energetic properties. Pink salt is associated with love and healing, while black salt is associated with protection and banishing.

Pine Nut

Pink Sea salt associated with love and healing, used in rituals of protection

Poppy - Sleeping spells

Red Clover believed to promote fertility and reproductive health

Red Rose Petals Passion love, and sensuality, happiness, joy

Rose Buds

Rosemary Masculine Sun Fire A staple in every witch's kitchen. Protection, promotes relaxation, enhances sexual energy, sensuality, clarity and memory

Sandalwood considered sacred in Hinduism and is often used in rituals and ceremonies. It is believed to promote mental clarity, spiritual awareness, and emotional well-being.

Star Anise Increase Psychic abilities by stringing like beads and wearing as jewelry, or by burning the star like incense. Can also use seeds as a powerful pendulum. A favorite good luck charm kept in home or carry in Luck Bag, also placed on each corner of the Altar and renewed each week.

Sage Wisdom, Protection, Cleansing, domestic virtue, long life


Thyme courage, strength

Tulsi (Holy Basil) leaves a sacred plant in Hinduism and is believed to have purifying and healing properties. Adding Tulsi leaves to your sage bundle can help to purify the air and create a positive atmosphere.

Verbena, Lemon - Relaxant, nerve tonic,Reduces anxiety, anti-inflammatory, May relieve pain associated with gout, tonic has traditionally been used to help spasms and convulsions

Important legal and safety reminders*
The Coven and it's members are dedicated to spreading knowledge and providing information to raise awareness of the many associated benefits of Herbs and botanicals. The Coven
 can not advise or recommend herbs for medicinal use. The information provided is for educational purposes only, not to be taken as recommendation or endorsement or to be used in place of medical or health treatment.
In accordance with the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution, our team may refer to how they personally use herbs and may quote scientific journals and historical literature. 

Herbal products can pose unexpected risks because many supplements contain active ingredients that have strong effects on the body. Always consult your Doctor to check on possible interactions with prescription medications.*Mayo Clinic

Important legal and safety reminders
*Herbal products can pose unexpected risks because many supplements contain active ingredients that have strong effects on the body. Always consult your Doctor to check on possible interactions with prescription medications.*Mayo Clinic

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