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White Structure

Premium deluxe crystal collection housed in an etched wooden box. 

To inspire and enhance psychic awareness, aid in dream work and expand self-awareness.

Septarian Free Form - 336g - Excellent for Root & Sacral, Solar Plexus healing. Said to enhance psychic abilities, aid in past life regression andwhile providing calm energies, both protective and healing, 

Flower Agate Obelisk - approx 64g - Promotes self-growth, motivation towards goals, brings joy and creativity

2 pieces of Raw Black Tourmaline - Excellent grounding and stone of ultimate protection 

3 clusters raw Celestite Crystal - To enhance psychic vision, lucid dreaming, astral travel

2 pieces smokey quartz - Healing, Cleansing, Purifying. Can remove unwanted energies and help you move on from difficult or painful experiences. 

3 Clear Crystal Quartz *Brazil*- grounding and enhancing all energies and practices

Moss Agate Pendulum- 

Tumbled Stones:

2 Rainbow Fluorite - Enhance psychic vision 

3 Black Obsidian - Grounding and protection

1'' Crystal wands - great to add to your alter or to use in crystal grids

3 Amethyst - protection

2 Green Fluorite 

3 Tigers Eye 

1 Black Candle - used in rituals of protection or to break a hex.

3 Cinnamon Sticks - burn as incense to enhance psychic awareness

1 piece of Palo Santo to purify and cleanse your space before or after rituals

All pieces are welcomed into my home with incense and sage and receive cleansing as they are packed and sent to your home. Your new stones will include warm energies of love as well as hand-written suggesions for use. Please let us know if you have any questions. We are grateful to be a part of your journey. 

Crystals and stones are sourced from Brazil, Madagascar, India and Arizona (Obsidian)




Septarian Insight and Ascension Collection

240,00$ Prix original
204,00$Prix promotionnel
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