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Image by Michael Dziedzic

Key Spells and Rituals

Updated: Apr 21, 2023


Representing good luck and opportunity, promising access into new ,secret worlds, and acting as tools to the gods, keys, have held a unique place in life and lore throughout history. From their most obvious use and ability in our physical world, to their great symbolic significance and magical energies, keys bear opportunities for powerful possibilities.


Keys are known to represent many things, including access to other worlds, knowledge, success, access to secret areas, and power.

Daily Use Includes

As a talisman, amulet, charm or alter tool

Alter Tool/Ritual Space

To use as an alter tool, hang a key above your ancestral alter which will aid in opening the door to spirit realm

Luck in Business

Keep a key in your cash register to 'ensure the doors to money',' are always open

A Spell for Luck and Prosperity

Anoint a green, yellow or gold candle and a key with 'Lucky Money Oil"

While speaking what you wish to manifest

  • Hold your anointed key in dominate hand, while lighting the candle

  • Lay your key beside the candle and leave it until the candle has completely burned

Keep the key close to you by wearing as an amulet, keeping in your purse or carrying in your pocket.*Annointed candles and anointing oil will be available through the Coven by Yule

Create a Protection Charm

Gather together the following


  • Hag Stones *

  • Key

You will thread the red thread through the holes in the hag stone, knotting at one end to keep from pulling through. Recite your intention as you thread the red string through the stone. As you recite your intention, wrap the other end of the string around the base of the key until you have used all of your thread.

Hang the wrapped key at your doorway and enjoy the results!

*Traditionally known to hold highly protective powers, Hag stones are stones with natural holes boring all the way through them. Generally formed of flint, Hag stones can be easily gathered from rock and gravel beaches. Adding such stones to your alter or using as amulets or charms, can greatly amplify your intentions.

More detailed, in depth and rare spells, from my personal collection, will be added to 'The Grimoire."

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