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Image by Michael Dziedzic

Magic and Herbal Disclaimers

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

Reiki, Energy Healing, Crystal therapy, Meditation and Mindfulness

The tools and information provided by Coven of Paege are to be used as tools to enhance your life and enrich your mind. They are not to replace or supplement medical advice or treatment.

Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief helping to improve overall health and well-being

*sessions do not guarantee a cure, nor are they ever a substitute for qualified medical or professional care. Reiki is one part of an integrative healing or wellness program, meant to enhance traditional treatment protocols.


*Herbs *

Herbal products can pose unexpected risks because many supplements contain active ingredients that have strong effects in the body. Always consult your doctor to check on possible interactions with prescription medications.

Mayo Clinic

Herbal Aromatics activate the Monoaminergic system of the brain, referring to the group of neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine.

Serotonin regulates mood, as well as feelings of happiness and pleasure.

Dopamine influences sleep, mood, learning, and concentration.

Herbal and aroma therapies are often used for their physical and psychological benefits, such as reducing stress, improving sleep, boosting the immune system, or alleviating pain. These benefits can be studied and understood through scientific research and are often attributed to the chemical properties of the plants or oils involved. *

**All information verified through Mayo Clinic, Botanical Institue, Herbal or Botanical Academies or through verified and documented writings from our ancestors *Unique references will be linked

Magik, Magic, Charms, Rituals, Incantations, Traditions

as practitioner of magic there is importance in whether our intentions are aligned with the highest good of all involved, whether our actions are respectful of the natural world and its cycles, and whether we are taking responsibility for the outcomes of our practices. Additionally, ethical considerations involve questions of consent, confidentiality, and boundaries, particularly when working with those who may be vulnerable to manipulation or coercion. Ultimately, ethics in magic are about being mindful, responsible, and respectful in the use of suc a powerful tool.

Depending on how it is used, Magic has shown to harbor both positive and negative effects, While some may associate the term "dark magic" with unethical practices, the reality is that any type of magic can be used in ways that harm others or violate their free will. Therefore, practitioners of magic need to be aware of the potential consequences of their actions and work in ways that are aligned with their own values and beliefs.

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